Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Little Pony Summary

Where to start?

..How about to describe the premise on which the idea is based on?

Well, a usually figurative statement, "Friendship is Magic" actually takes a more literal turn in which friendship is magic. One Pony, and arguably the main character of the series, is Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn Pony. In this universe, there are three types of ponies from which a pony can be. Unicorn ponies; which can preform certain magic due to their horn. Pegasus ponies; which much like Pegasus in Greek lore, have wings and can walk on clouds. And lastly, the Earth pony, which for all intensive purposes is considered just a regular horse. Very similar to one you would see in a back yard, or a farm. Digressing, Twilight records her everyday findings of friendship to the Princess in order to further reveal this new frontier of Friendship being Magic. She discovers these new findings by living everyday life with her five other friends:

Rainbow Dash - A tom-boyish Pegasus pony whose dream is to fly with the most renown team in the land, the Wonder-Bolts.

Flutter Shy - Another Pegasus Pony whose extremely shy and timid nature leads her to being very gentle and kind. Thus she has a knack for everything wildlife.

Apple Jack - Runs an apple farm called 'Sweet Apple Acres.' In a world of ponies, apples are indefinitely to be a popular choice.

Pinkie - The eccentric earth pony of the bunch, takes great pleasure in jokes, parties, dances, sweets, and song.

Rarity - A dress maker that also own their own business, the Carousel Boutique. She often uses her magic to aid her designing process, and is picky in every sense of the word when it comes to appearance. Most relatable to that of a spoiled teenage girl who insists her nails must look like it cost an arm and a leg or else, "OMG I'll just DIE!" But I digress..

Twilight Sparkle - The main character of the show; shes a book worm who is constantly trying to further her knowledge and magical abilities as a Unicorn Pony.

..Now you may ask, why would I or anyone watch something so seemingly childish?

Once you catch the clever humor discretely placed, and fall in love with the incredibly unique characters, an interest becomes evident even to the most reluctant to admit. Even Google it, the word 'Brony' ((which is quite literally a combination of the words 'Bro' and 'Pony')) is a typical name given the the male viewer of the Tv series. There are many who would gladly admit their love for the My Little Pony wonder, however the few of us still "stuck in the stable" have yet to be who they really are, and slyly slip by under the radar each and every day right under our noses..

1 comment:

  1. Very clever... I was interested where you were going to go with this, but I'm impressed by your (dare I say) scholarly approach to "My Little Pony". I hope you expand the level of complexity of the reading you do; you have, however, a good place to start.
